Dec. 20, 2021 - Our grads exhibiting their JOY that they are certified in their various life skills. Now there is HOPE for a better future---a way to support themselves and their families!
The Deputy Ministry of Labour spoke to our students about the benefits of obtaining a life skill. The local Chief and a member of Parliament attended our ceremony as well as other government officials, honoring our grads for their achievements.
Students became officially certified in Welding, Carpentry, Plumbing, Electronics, Motor Vehicle Repair, Bricklaying, Hair Dressing, Sewing & Tailoring.
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can give students like these
a chance for a better life!
Our Haven of Hope Vocational Center is dedicated to teaching vocational skills that will prepare our students for jobs and financial independence. The Vocational Center now offers FREE classes in Sewing, Tailoring & Design, Welding, Carpentry, Plumbing, Electronics, Motor Repair, Farming, Body Building, Bricklaying, Health & Nutrition, Afforestation, Graphic Design and offers FREE Sports Camps for youth. This training prepares our students for jobs or even starting their own businesses. As students learn life skills, we share the gospel with those who may not know about Jesus and pray with them about any needs they may have.
Tailoring students begin by making simple face masks and sani-pads. They progress to making simple dresses and skirts which are given to orphans and poor children so they can attend school. By the time they are finished with our four-month classes, our students learn to sew button-down shirts and trouser shorts for boys. As a "graduation gift" students are given fabric to design an outfit for themselves. No commercial patterns are available in Malawi, so our students learn to custom make garments according to body measurements---a real art! Our graduates are 'certified' by TEVETA (Technical, Educational Vocational Entrepreneurial Training Authority) government agency, making them prime candidates for employment.
Our sewing program not only teaches people to learn to sew, but provides clothing for Malawi's most vulnerable children. Many of the students have never had the means to be able to "give" anything to others because of their own lack, but now they can experience the JOY in giving to others too! This is a "WIN-WIN" for everyone!
The TEVETA certificate our students receive when they graduate makes them a prime candidate for employment.